Self Hypnosis,Mind Power: March 2007

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Message from Joan

Message from Joan

There's a prairie dog colony near my house and a few days ago,
I saw two of them venturing out from hibernation. And two
sparrows were checking out the swallow's nest on my
porch--they sometimes use the nest before the swallows arrive
at the end of May. Both a sure sign of spring.

This is a good time to tune into the natural cycles of life
and use them to your advantage. If you've been hibernating
during the winter, mulling over new ideas or putting old ones
to rest, this is the time of year to start planting the seeds
of your new ideas so they can begin to blossom in the summer
and come to fruition in the fall.

It's also a good time to clean out the stale energy that might
be cluttering up your home or office in order to make way for
new energy to flow in, so you can alter your state of being
(see the article below) and move towards a more prosperous way
of living.

And while you're at it, take the steps to make the financial
changes you have been thinking about so that this can be a
more comfortable year for you financially. Do at least one new
thing, like altering your spending habits, keeping track of
your money, or developing a rational spending plan, that can
lead you closer to your financial goals.

There's a lot of chaos in the world right now, but because we
live in a dualistic realty, there's as much room for order and
building of the new as there is for chaos and destruction.
It's your choice as to which you want to focus on.


Hardcover Clearance:
We still have some extra copies of the hardcover version of
Build Your Money Muscles and are offering them for as low as
$9 INCLUDING SHIPPING in the US. (International orders are $3
for economy, $7 for global priority to most countries.) Read
about this special at

F Ree Shipping for Aloneness CD
Because aloneness is the main feeling acted out through
finances, Joan has created an audio program focusing on how
aloneness relates to your financial situation and how to let
go of the aloneness.
For a limited time, you can get the Let Go of The Aloneness CD
for only $12.95, no shipping and handling.

BYMM and the Aloneness CD are a great combination!
Article: The Law of Attraction and Your State of Being

Because of the popularity of the book and movie The Secret,
there's been a lot of talk lately about the Law of Attraction.
In the circle in which I travel, this has been a topic for
discussion for a long time.

Most prosperity literature relates in some way to the Law of
Attraction, stating that you can make lots of money if you
think the right thoughts and hold the right beliefs. Many
people make positive changes using the Law of Attraction as a
guide, but many also feel frustration because they fail to
materialize that which they want. Even if they earn more,
they don't reach the point of financial freedom they have
dreamed about. .

Does that mean that the Law of Attraction doesn't work? No. It
means that a person has not reached the total state of being
that is congruent with that which they hope to manifest.

First let me define what I mean by state of being.

Your state of being is the totality of how you 'be' in the
world and in your internal space. Many elements could be
listed as part of your state of being including
* Your thoughts, beliefs, emotions, behaviors
* The condition of your house, car, or workplace
* The people you hang out with
* How much service you do for others
* Your levels of compassion, understanding, acceptance, and
* What you use to fuel your body (food, drink, etc.)
* How well you take care of yourself

The list could go on and on. Your state of being could be
considered the sum total of all of the energies of your life.
And these energies determine what you attract into your life.

As a result, you could work diligently to think positive
thoughts and create clear visualizations of what you hope to
manifest, but if you have a habit of being disappointed and
you don't consciously alter that habit, then you'll continue
to create situations that lead to disappointment..

Because most people want a quick fix to their problems, they
often become discouraged when, after working on changing old
habits, they don't get instant reinforcement in the form of
the things they want. They don't realize that it's not only
thoughts and beliefs that have to change, it's one's entire
state of being, and because we function in linear time, that
takes more than a week, or month, or even a year.

I talk to many people who hold onto anger and even use it as a
motivating force. Habitual anger often shows itself as
underearning, borrowing money and not paying it back,
compulsive spending, or troubles paying taxes. It can also be
reflected by being the victim in a variety of situations which
provide great opportunities for getting angry.

If anger is a motivating force, then imagine how much has to
change internally in order to find a different way of being.
It can be done, but only with consistent, persistent awareness
and attention over an extended period of time.

So, the Law of Attraction is working for you right now. But if
you aren't getting what you want, it's because what you want
is not congruent with your state of being.

For more about state of being, listen to The Prosperity Show,
episodes #73 and #74

For more about how to change your financial identity--which is
very much part of your state of being read Build Your Money
Muscles: Nine Simple Exercises for Improving Your Relationship
with Money.

The hardcover version of BYMM is now on sale for as low as $9,
including postage in the US.

Helpful Resources

Dr. Jackie Black -- Relationship Coach
Thanks to Dr. Jackie Black for publishing last month's
Prosperity Tips in her e-zine.

Jackie specializes in premarital & newlywed coaching and has
an online radio show, a podcast, an e-course on dating, and a
monthly Relationship Tip Sheet., all designed to help you
develop skills to manage conscious love relationships.

Check out her site at

***Hot Links***

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Copyright 2007 by Joan Sotkin
Prosperity Place(r)
2581 Camino San Patricio
Santa Fe, NM 87505
Helping you improve your relationship with money with
the Build Your Money Muscles Program(tm).

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Problem Is ....Problem

Problem is Problem...

Have you been got the Big Probelem eq Money or Debt Problem, Wife or Husband Problem, Kids or Childs Problem or other Problem...

HOw you can solve your Problem
How you can Keep Stay to Calm
How ....

Please share with us

Warmest Regards,
Budi Santoso