Self Hypnosis,Mind Power: Attract Money into your life (last)

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Attract Money into your life (last)

We see from this example how very important it is that you pay off old
outstanding debts. Not doing so may very well prevent you from ever moving
beyond your current situation.
Sums Owed to You
It is also important to collect all money owed to you, including the minutest of
sums sum. If you do so, money will suddenly come to you from all directions.

-An individual understood that one should not neglect collecting even the
smallest amount owed to one. He then decided to practice it CONSCIOUSLY, and see
for himself what would happen. So he collected even the smallest amounts due to
him from others (such as 10 cents and 20 cents!). After he successfully
collected on these, in the following few days he received Rs.300,000 ($7,500)
for various receipts coming from unexpected sources.

-An individual had exhausted his bank account. He was in desperate straits. He
remembered that if you collect every penny still due to you, money can come. He
then contacted the sole debt he had on his books, which went back nearly six
years! He contacted that person to secure the payment. The next morning he
received a most unexpected purchase and payment from another source that
instantly resolved his quandary.

Taking Care of Neglected Duties
There are circumstances where money will not come your way until you take care
of neglected areas of your life. Once you give those areas the attention they
deserve, money or other good fortune can instantaneously come your way.

A payment for new services rendered was anticipated by a software company, but
got delayed for various technical reason. The individual in charge remembered
that several older clients had still not sent their payment. He had neglected to
stay on top of that matter. Now with the current situation of the new potential
client, he felt there was a correlation between the receivables he neglected to
keep up on and the new payment that was having technical problems coming in.
Thus, he immediately contacted both of the older clients that owed receivables
to find out their latest status. Instantly, thereafter (literally within seconds
of hanging up on the phone with the older clients) the money for the new client
properly cleared and came in.

Cleanliness, Orderliness
Perhaps the simplest and most dramatic way to attract money is to raise your
level of physical cleanliness at home or at work. Many individuals and
businesses have followed this practice, and seen money suddenly rush in from all
sides, often from the most unlikely sources!

-An instructor had not been contacted for new work for weeks, and was in
desperate straits. He decided to apply the principle of higher cleanliness. His
apartment was normally clean, but he wanted to take cleanliness a step further.
So he decided to clean his refrigerator; something he was ordinarily reluctant
to do. At the exact moment he finished putting the foodstuffs back into the
refrigerator after the cleaning, he heard a message on his answering machine
from his training company offering him abundant new work. The response from life
was instantaneous to the completion of the cleaning!

-A consultant suggested that before he made any business recommendations to his
client that they immediately clean up their showroom and backyard area. Time
passed. The next time the consultant visited the company, he learned that there
had been an unexpected sudden surge in new orders. This came just after the
company implemented the consultant’s advice about cleanliness.

We recommend that anyone looking to attract more money take up this strategy
immediately. There is no faster way to attract positive good fortune --
including fresh new sources of money -- than by raising the level of cleanliness
and orderliness.

(for more on this topic click here)

Wasting, Squandering Funds
One of the best strategies for keeping a sure flow of funds is to avoid wasting
money. Those who squander away funds or pay exorbitant amounts for things that
can be purchased more cheaply will repel the arrival of more funds. However, if
you discover what it is that you waste your money on, and overcome that habit
life is likely to quickly respond with instances of good fortune.

Soft Speech
One surprising way to attract money is to control our speech. Speech is an
expression of our life energy. Unfortunately, we expend a tremendous amount of
nervous energy in our verbal communications; much more than is necessary to
convey our thoughts. It turns out that one of the most powerful ways to attract
wealth and prosperity is to reduce the volume of one’s speech.

A 39-year-old wealthy American businessperson lost all 60 of his employees, and
was prepared to file bankruptcy. At a relative’s suggestion, he and his wife
practiced the psychological and spiritual disciplines of greater attention to
things, higher levels of cleanliness, bringing about greater higher harmony
amongst the individuals, and soft speech. Two years later, he was in a financial
position to retire for life.
When we follow the method of soft speech, or when we reduce the quantity of the
words we express in our speech, we bring our own life energies under control,
which create the condition for great fortune to come our way.

(for more on this and related topic click here)

Changing an Attitude
A feeling or attitude is also an expression of life energy. Positive attitudes
attract energy and money; negative attitudes do the opposite. If you overcome a
negative attitude -- such as an unwillingness or reluctance to do something, or
the harboring of bad will towards another -- new, fresh energies are released,
which subtlely move out into the world, returning as positive good fortune,
including attraction of money.

-The president of a software company was fretting about a contract he was
negotiating with a client. He felt he was being pushed too hard, which raised
negative feelings in him toward certain individuals at the client company. At
one point, he realized that having this attitude was not helpful, so he
immediately tried to block out these thoughts and feelings. Moments later, he
received a check in the mail from another client for a large sum of money. It
turned out to be a payment for invoice that was six months overdue; the longest
overdue the company ever had.

-A man changed his attitude about working weekends at a computer store. During
his employment at the store, he had been at the low end of sales amongst the
dozen or two salesperson working at the mini-chain. After thinking about the
situation, he changed his attitude, as he saw the benefit of working on weekends.
When he opened the store that Saturday, a man walked in and made a huge purchase
from the salesperson, enabling him to establish the highest one-month sales of
anyone in the history of the four-store franchise. As a result, he also had the
highest one-month income he ever had in his life.

(for more on this topic click here)

Dependence on Others
We always hold the power to determine our own destiny. Likewise, the real power
to attract money comes from our own self-reliance, determination, and will; not
from any dependence on another’s help and support. The power to attract money
comes from the psychological viewpoint that I am the ultimate determinant of my
fate. If this is the case, then consider if you are dependent in others for
funds, or similar forms of help, and change your position from one of dependence
to self-dependency. Wealth and prosperity will move in your direction.

Whenever you shift your perspective from yourself to others, energy increases,
and conditions for success reveal themselves in the form of sudden and abundant
positive life responses. This includes a movement on your part away from
stinginess and tightfistedness, and towards generosity. Even the smallest
movement in that direction can attract sudden good fortune coming your way,
including the attraction of more money.

A somewhat tightfisted man decided to pay for the trip of his friend, who was in
a little bit of financial straits. It was something he would not ordinarily do.
The next day he received an unexpected payment for an invoice that he did not
expect to arrive for quite a while.

(In this event, he perceived the correlation between the overcoming of his
tightness and the corresponding positive response from life. In addition, he
also noted the trend that the amount he would generously give another was almost
precisely equal to the amount that suddenly came back to him thereafter!)

Goodwill and Generosity Too -- A related way to attract sudden good fortune is
to feel goodwill and gratitude towards others. One individual inwardly sent
goodwill and gratitude to various clients and friends. Soon thereafter, there
was an avalanche of good news from them in terms of sales, money, and other
forms of good fortune.

(for more on this and related topics click here)

Focusing on, Giving Attention to the Work at Hand
We have often seen that if you focus yourself on the work at hand, i.e. what
life is presenting you, rather than on the work that you would like to be doing,
additional work, including fresh sources of money will fly in your direction.

An instructor taught a wide variety of software applications in his classes. One
day he decided to shift his attitude from indifference to one of real concern
and interest in that day’s database class. Soon into the session, he noticed
that the class was very upbeat and vibrant, as students were fully engaged in
all manner of discussions. Then after the class, he heard from a client whom he
had not heard from in years. The client was interested in having him work on a
database program, which involved the very same topic area as the day’s class.
The new work was potentially very lucrative.

(for more on this and related topics click here)

Follow the Process of Accomplishment to Rise to Higher Level in Life
A great way to attract more money is by developing a plan for improvement in
your life. Decide what it is that you really want to achieve, organize the
details of your vision, and carry it out with a positive attitude, and with
great determination, commitment, and effort. If you follow this process, you are
sure to reach your goal; i.e. success, wealth, and prosperity will come you way.
Sometimes life will respond and bring your fast results even before you have
made an effort. The mere decision to act can attract a response from life.

Following this process is an example of the self-conceptive power of Mind to
lead our lives, rather than being led by the whims of Nature. To follow this
self-directed method of improvement is to follow the fundamental process of
growth and accomplishment in life. If having more money, wealth and prosperity
is your goal, then following this process from beginning to end will be a full-proof
method for achieving that aim.

(for more on this topic click here)

The Ultimate Solution: Using Spirit
The single most powerful way to attract more money in your life is to use the
power of Spirit. If, for example, you open yourself to the Higher Power before
commencing an important activity, substantial results -- including more wealth
and prosperity – are likely to quickly and abundantly come your way. Often the
results are simply overwhelming!

A woman, who was developing a school for children, was considering the price she
was willing to pay her friend to do the work. After a discussion, she secured
the somewhat lower price that she had hoped for. She then paid that amount so
the work could begin. However, shortly thereafter, she reconsidered, and decided
to “offer” the entire situation to the Higher Power. A very short time later,
the engineer -- out of gratitude for being able to build a school for children --
volunteered to return all of the money he charged!
If you open to the higher spiritual power before starting an event, or when in
the midst of a situation, life will respond dramatically in kind. If you also
overcome a wanting attitude, life can respond overwhelming.

(for more on this topic click here)

In summary, we can say that anything that we do that increases energy, attracts
money; while anything that we do that depletes or squanders energy blocks money
from coming our way.
Giving physical objects, systems, and people more attention, circulating money
instead of squandering it, paying off current and old debts instead of ignoring
them, focusing on the work at hand instead of the work you want to do, applying
higher levels of cleanliness and orderliness in your home or work, changing a
negative attitude towards others or towards life, using soft and reduced speech,
being self-reliant and not depending on others for monetary help, moving towards
generosity, goodness, and gratitude, and opening to spirit to consecrate an
event are all powerful strategies for releasing energy, and attracting abundant
money from life.

For Your Prosperity, Wealth, Health, Happyness ....Peace Live


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